Enjoying the Journey to Success

Latest News

Please read all about our exciting events.

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  • 23/06/23

    A visit from Robinson, Michael & Jackson Estate Agents

    Our Summer Festival is taking place on the 7th July!
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  • 16/06/23

    Battle of the Bands

    The finals took place this week, and we are pleased to announce that Rrock (Laurie, Keira,  Jazmin, Willow, Sienna P and Annabella) in Year 2 won first place.  Well done to all of you.  Congratulations to all who took part.  It was such a special assembly to have all the differen...
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  • 16/06/23


    Some of our Year 6 children have taken part in Bikeability this week.    They have spent time learning their signals and turns in the playground before some of them venturing out onto local roads to complete Level 2.    Certificates and badges will be given out next week in an...
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  • 15/06/23

    Buddy Badges

    Buddies have received their new rainbow badge this week.  This helps other children to quickly recognise how to find a buddy when they are having a tricky play or lunchtime.
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  • 14/06/23

    Music Lessons by Kent Music School

    Kent Music lessons started back this week in school.   It has been great to hear several different instruments being played.  Parents are welcome to register their child's interest in having lessons by visiting the Kent Music School website www.kent-music.com/music-lessons...
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  • 08/06/23

    Recall Rockstar Day

    Recall Rockstar day was a great success in school on Thursday last week.   Staff and children were excited to be involved in dressing up as their favourite rock star and spent the day creating and engaging in a variety of fun based maths activities. 
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  • 06/06/23

    New Attendance Certificates

    The children of SPLT (Senior Pupil Leadership Team) have launched an exciting new attendance award initiative for individual children who regularly attend school, on time every day each week. 
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  • 12/05/23

    Coronation Celebrations

    Celebrations for the Coronation were held in school which included a Coronation lunch and a Family Picnic organised by the PTA.  Families joined the children in the afternoon where they enjoyed a picnic together in the sun.   The children were invited to wear their own clothes or red...
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  • 03/05/23

    Reading Breakfast Cafe

    Parents were invited to a Reading Breakfast with Mrs Coles to learn about the reading curriculum that the school provides.   Examples of books were available for families to see and an opportunity to ask our Reading Co-ordinator any questions. 
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  • 02/05/23

    Amazing Animal Encounters visit

    Some children enjoyed holding some amazing animals this week.  These included a tortoise named Georgina, a giant land snail named Banana and many more.  The children were taught about each of the animals by Maria from Amazing Animal Encounters and were then given the opportunity to stroke...
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  • 27/04/23

    Tonbridge Class Ice Cream Party

    Tonbridge class children and teachers celebrated their attendance win last term with an ice cream party.  They thorough enjoyed this little treat. Well done Tonbridge class.
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  • 20/04/23

    Eid Celebration Assembly

    The religious holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide because it marks the end of the month-long dawn-to-sunset fasting of Ramadan.  Children learnt about Eid in assemblies this week.
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